Ennab and Al-Hindi review "Tourism Challenges" … and Hilalat: Hotels have incurred significant losses.

Amman - Jordan

The Jordan Hotels Association, represented by its Chairman , Engineer Abdulhakim Mahmoud Al-Hindi, and board members, welcomed the Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, Lina Annab, this morning, in the presence of the Ministry’s Secretary-General, Dr. Fadi Bal’awi, and the Ministry staff.

The meeting began with welcoming remarks from Engineer Al-Hindi, who expressed his pleasure at the minister’s visit, emphasizing the importance of cooperation between the Association and the Ministry in enhancing the tourism and hospitality sectors in the Kingdom. He also expressed hope that this visit would open new horizons for fruitful collaboration.

During the meeting, the current challenges facing the sector were discussed, with the minister praising the efforts of all concerned parties in addressing these challenges. She confirmed that the cooperation between the government and the private sector would have a positive impact on improving the current situation and achieving common goals.

Ennab also reviewed the current state of tourism in the Kingdom, discussing future plans and strategies aimed at boosting tourism activity.

In this context, Hussein Hilalat, Deputy Chairman of the Jordan Hotels Association, presented an overview of the impact of the current crisis on the hospitality sector, pointing out the significant losses incurred by hotels in recent times.

The meeting concluded with all attendees emphasizing the need for joint work between the Ministry and the Association to enhance tourism in Jordan and improve the sector’s performance, with a commitment to addressing challenges with a spirit of cooperation.

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